
Elann Zelie in a duster of her own design

After a too-long hiatus, Five Faves – a snapshot look at what your favorite bloggers, designers, models, and other top figures in the curvy/plus community are loving right now – is BACK!  First up, stylish designer Elann Zelie, who stays on top of the trends with frequent offerings from her indie plus label Zelie for She.  Releasing new collections every few months, Elann focuses on bold cuts and prints, and often includes pieces that cannot be found elsewhere in plus.  One outfit in particular from her latest collection “Summer Love” springs to mind – the perfect “Fringe” two piece set:

Zelie for She Fringe Set

I asked Elann to tell me about five of her current favorites.  Check out her answers below, and let me know if you share any!

1.  Favorite piece from your latest collection?  Honestly, I love the skirts.  All the skirts, and the dusters. [Editor’s note: Check out the designer rocking one above!]

2.  Favorite recent purchase?  My favorite purchase is my glass elephant shelf.  It is going to look perfect up against my new black walls.

3.  Favorite spring trend?  Pastel colors! [Editor’s note: A pastel Zelie for She confection was a previous Curvily Wardrobe Want, and is now on sale!]

4.  Favorite song on rotation right now?  Janet Jackson is always playing in my office!

5.  Favorite happy hour?  I go to the French restaurant in my neighborhood for happy hour, that’s where I unwind! 

Miss Jackson (if you’re nasty) and French happy hours?  Yes and yes!

Let me know who you’d like to hear from next, and what type of questions you’d be interested in having answered!